A Restatement of Purpose


This issue of TVia marks the end of our third year of publication-- somewhat to my surprise I may say, since we started with just 25 sub- scribers and it appears in order to say a few words about the purpose of this magazine at this time. We have acquired many new readers over the last year as a result of ads we have run in various places. Since these ads could not be too specific we have added to our rolls people of various different persuasions and interests. These friends are surely welcome to be readers and to enjoy what is presented in these pages to the extent that it fits into their needs. However, their needs and our purposes and intents are not always in harmony-there- fore this brief article.

We get requests for articles, pictures and contacts about or with persons interested in rubber clothing, boots, bloomers, corsets and the like. We have newcomers ask why we don't show more leg and lingerie shots of the girls or pics that they describe as "sexy", etc. Now the situation is that there are many kinds of fetishists in the world and there are bondage and punishment devotees spanking enthusiasts and the like. It might be possible to publish a magazine with some- thing for everybody in it, something on the order of Bizarre or Exot- ique. However, if we did so several things would result; (1) We would likely find ourselves in trouble with the post office which we do not want not only in the simple sense of self preservation but because it reflects on the integrity of the whole movement (2) We would not be able to develop a point of view and serve the interests of any given group, and (3) We would be unable to build anything with dignity, integrity, respectability and long range social purpose since we would be busy running off in all directions at the same time. Moreover, having everything between our covers interested outsiders would simply discredit everything worthwhile that we tried to do because the mag- azine would just appear to them as a hodge podge of outlandish be- havior patterns and offbeat interests.

Thus it has been our policy since the original Preference Poll run in TVia #4 and will continue to be in the future, to deal strictly and solely with the subject matter of what I call TRUE Transvestism or to use my own coined term, FEMMEPERSONATION. By holding firmly to this viewpoint I believe that we have been able in the past and will
